
Today at church we talked about David. They had been studying David for a few weeks and today happened to be the part in the story where Bathsheba came into it. As we were reading about about the sin and and extreme ways David went to cover it up. It arises the question how can a man who slept with a married woman, got her pregnant and even had her husband killed to cover his own butt, how can he be the man after Gods own heart. I personally love that David is that man. He is no where close to perfect on an outward account, but he is a great reminder that it is our heart that gets judged. And David's heart was one that never stopped longing to be closer to God. He was a man "after" Gods own heart. He was after it, he was in pursuit of it. In the psalms even when David could not feel Gods presence, even when he felt God had forsaken him, he kept crying out, he kept seeking. He was after God.
We all have that David moment....When the enemy has us on the rooftops and he shows us our own emptiness. Even in a full and blessed life the enemy shows us that we just need that one thing. For David it was a woman, for me or you it's a different thing, but it's the same story. What is your rooftop temptation. Jesus himself stood on the roof with the enemy, he tried to give a king his own kingdom, so that's a good indication that he'll never back off of tempting us. Let's all be after Gods heart, lets all seek him, even when we don't feel him lets pursue him.


The Cannon Chronicles said...

I enjoyed hearing your take on David's heart after God. It's true, we all screw up even David did. But we still need to pursue God just as David did and be "after" His heart. I always love hearing your persceptive!

Jeanne said...

I love me some David! He seems like such a bipolar, depressed, self-absorbed little fella! Yet he was crazy in love with God! Huh! Gives you something to think about...as you always do! Love you

Xandra@Heart-of-Service said...

Reading the Psalms always gives me encouragement because I realize over and over again that I'll never be perfect, but I can choose to seek God daily.


Deborah said...

That was my bible study for the day, thank you Lori! :)Yes, we are ALL severly screwed up but God loves us anyway...how cool is that?